Buying a home is often the largest investment people make in their lives. We encourage that you research your potential home like you would any other major purchase. The more you know, the fewer surprises there will be down the road. A certified inspector can help you make an informed decision based on your current budget as well as your future plans and expenses.

Solid facts about the quality and condition of the home can also give the buyer valuable bargaining power. Not only are you able to negotiate a lower price, many buyers include clauses in their contract requiring the seller to make the repairs necessary before any money is exchanged. If you feel the problems with the home are too significant, you can choose to walk away from the purchase, as long as the purchase contract has an inspection contingency.

Our home inspections take between 2 and 3 hours depending on the size of the house. Our clients are welcome to attend the entire inspection or be present at the end of the inspection for a summary of the home. If you're a first-time home buyer, this can be a great opportunity to learn about the different components in the home and also receive maintenance tips from your inspector. Don't skip this important step in the home-buying process - it's worth every penny.
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